ADE 2023 program is complete
From October 18, Amsterdam will be all about music even more than usual. It’s time again for the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). During the Official Opening Event on Wednesday, October 18, the unique collaboration between ADE and The Rijksmuseum will
Red Bull Megaloop 2023. 50 knts wind!
Andrea Principi werd op de eerste herfstdag na een lange zomer gekroond tot nieuwe Red Bull Megaloop-kampioen. Riders wachtten 4 jaar op deze wedstrijd, dus de bereidheid om te presteren was groot. En dat is wat het publiek op het strand zag! Za
Red Bull BC One Cypher Holland 2023
De grootste en meest prestigieuze één-tegen-één breakdance-competitie van de wereld was terug op 5 maart 2023 in de Maassilo in Rotterdam. In een uitverkochte Maassilo in Rotterdam gingen op zondag 5 maart maar liefst 16 B-boys en 8 B-girls de st
Watch Riccione Beach Live Webcam?
Get a taste before you go there. This is the webcam on top of the Atlantic Hotel in Riccione. If the live stream is offline try again later.
On The Loose – Home Turf – Season 3 Episode 4
On The Loose, Season 3 is here! Where you will see Ruben Lenten and Aaron Hadlow join forces once again to travel the globe embarking on new adventures. They are on a mission to find the best Kiteboarding spots, check out the sickest events whilst ha
Omakase – The Art of Trust
“Omakase” is a special way of ordering things in Japan. It comes from the Japanese word meaning “to entrust”. In a sushi restaurant, for example, it means you leave it to the chef to decide what to serve – they skillfully select items they
After-Hours Light Show with Bethany and Lakey
No travel, no problem. Longtime filmmaker Aaron Lieber will always find a creative outlet, regardless of the power source. And when you’ve got two multi-adaptive plugs like Bethany Hamilton and Lakey Peterson to work with, an electric surge is immi
De Jeugd, Merol en meer op Brandend Bos Benefiet in Paradiso
Onder de naam Brandend Bos Benefiet vragen onder meer De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig en Merol op zaterdag 5 oktober in Paradiso aandacht voor de verwoesting van het Amazonegebied in Zuid-Amerika. De avond is een initiatief van ESJA Events. Naast De Jeugd
Burning Man 2019 a temporary metropolis dedicated to art and community
Burning Man is the ultimate festival, taking place in the Nevada desert. Started in 1986, the festival has grown into a cultural phenomenon and has inspired imitation festivals around the globe. Bringing roughly 70,000 people to Black Rock City in th
Red Bull Megaloop Challenge 2019
Yes Yes, all lights are on green! Red Bull Megaloop will take place on Saturday June 8th 2019 around 08:00! 16 kiteboarders will be challenged to show their biggest megaloops in the most extreme Dutch weather conditions, when the wind hits 30+ knots